模糊测试(Fuzz Testing)

Forge 支持基于属性的测试。



pragma solidity 0.8.10;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";

contract Safe {
    receive() external payable {}

    function withdraw() external {

contract SafeTest is Test {
    Safe safe;

    // Needed so the test contract itself can receive ether
    // when withdrawing
    receive() external payable {}

    function setUp() public {
        safe = new Safe();

    function testWithdraw() public {
        payable(address(safe)).transfer(1 ether);
        uint256 preBalance = address(this).balance;
        uint256 postBalance = address(this).balance;
        assertEq(preBalance + 1 ether, postBalance);


$ forge test
Compiling 6 files with 0.8.10
Solc 0.8.10 finished in 3.78s
Compiler run successful

Running 1 test for test/Safe.t.sol:SafeTest
[PASS] testWithdraw() (gas: 19462)
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 873.70µs

这个单元测试_确实测试_我们可以从我们的保险箱中取出以太币。 但是,谁能说它适用于所有金额,而不仅仅是 1 个以太币?


Forge 将运行任何至少采用一个参数的测试作为基于属性的测试,所以让我们重写:

contract SafeTest is Test {
    // ...

    function testWithdraw(uint256 amount) public {
        uint256 preBalance = address(this).balance;
        uint256 postBalance = address(this).balance;
        assertEq(preBalance + amount, postBalance);

如果我们现在运行测试,我们可以看到 Forge 运行基于属性的测试,但它因 amount 的高值而失败:

$ forge test
Compiling 1 files with 0.8.10
Solc 0.8.10 finished in 1.69s
Compiler run successful

Running 1 test for test/Safe.t.sol:SafeTest
[FAIL. Reason: EvmError: Revert Counterexample: calldata=0x215a2f200000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000, args=[79228162514264337593543950336]] testWithdraw(uint256) (runs: 47, μ: 19554, ~: 19554)
Test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; finished in 8.75ms

给测试合约的默认以太币数量是 2**96 wei(在 DappTools 中),所以我们必须将数量类型限制为 uint96 以确保我们不会尝试发送超过 我们有:

    function testWithdraw(uint96 amount) public {


$ forge test
Compiling 1 files with 0.8.10
Solc 0.8.10 finished in 1.67s
Compiler run successful

Running 1 test for test/Safe.t.sol:SafeTest
[PASS] testWithdraw(uint96) (runs: 256, μ: 19078, ~: 19654)
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 19.56ms

您可能希望使用 assume cheatcodes排除某些情况。 在这些情况下,模糊器fuzzer将丢弃输入并开始新的模糊测试运行:

function testWithdraw(uint96 amount) public {
    vm.assume(amount > 0.1 ether);
    // snip

有多种方法可以运行基于属性的测试,特别是参数测试和模糊测试。 Forge 仅支持模糊测试。

Interpreting results


  • "runs" 是指模糊器fuzzer测试的场景数量。 默认情况下,模糊器fuzzer将生成 256 个场景,但是,这可以使用 FOUNDRY_FUZZ_RUNS 环境变量进行配置。
  • “μ”(希腊字母 mu)是所有模糊运行中使用的平均gas
  • “~”(波浪号)是所有模糊运行中使用的中值gas