// roll the _active_ fork to the given block
function rollFork(uint256 blockNumber) external;
// roll the _active_ fork to the block in which the transaction was mined it and replays all previously executed transactions
function rollFork(bytes32 transaction) external;
// Same as `rollFork(uint256 blockNumber)` but uses the fork corresponding to the `forkId`
function rollFork(uint256 forkId, uint256 blockNumber) external;
// Same as `rollFork(bytes32 transaction)` but uses the fork corresponding to the `forkId`
function rollFork(uint256 forkId, bytes32 transaction) external;
Sets block.number
. If a fork identifier is passed as an argument, it will update that fork, otherwise it will update the currently active fork.
If a transaction hash is provided, it will roll the fork to the block the transaction was mined in and replays all previously executed transactions.
Set block.number
for the currently active fork:
uint256 forkId = vm.createFork(MAINNET_RPC_URL);
assertEq(block.number, 15_171_037); // as of time of writing, 2022-07-19 04:55:27 UTC
assertEq(block.number, 15_171_057);
Set block.number
for the fork identified by the passed forkId
uint256 optimismForkId = vm.createFork(OPTIMISM_RPC_URL);
vm.rollFork(optimismForkId, 1_337_000);
assertEq(block.number, 1_337_000);